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Signs of a Gas Leak

Watch for the symptoms of a gas leak and call an expert promptly!
By thaloengsak of Shutterstock

There are over 65 million homes throughout the country using natural gas for various appliances, including water heaters, stoves, and other key devices that keep a home running smoothly. Natural gas is what ties everything together. It is considered one of the safest and cleanest fuel sources possible. Unfortunately, gas leaks do occur. Now, natural gas itself does not have an odor. But it does smell, right? That’s because the gas companies have inserted their own chemical additive which makes the gas smell like rotten eggs or sulfur. This helps ensure that when a leak occurs, it can be more easily detected.

Gas Leak Signs Inside Your Home

When you’re inside your home, the smell of gas may not be immediately recognizable. Your first thought may go directly towards the garbage can or the refrigerator, where food might have gone bad. But the telltale sulfur smell will soon strike, and you’ll realize it’s a gas leak. Watch, listen, and smell for the signs:

  • Smell – First and foremost, you’ll note the odor. It’s relatively easy to detect. The smell was added to your natural gas by the utility company and is often described as “rotten eggs.” So if you smell rotten eggs, it’s time to get out of the house!
  • Sound – While not immediately noticeable, you might hear a hissing sound coming from a gas appliance in your home, or from a broken pipe. This subtle hissing sound is another telltale sign of a leak.

Gas Leak Signs Outside the Home

Outside of the home, the common symptoms of a gas leak are often more pronounced. Plus, there are also more signs outdoors. For example:

  • Air – A significant gas leak has the potential to toss dirt into the air. Any “air stream” pushing up from the ground near your home is a potential sign of a gas leak.
  • Bubbles – In a moist area, a gas leak often causes bubbling, especially if you have recently experienced rainfall.
  • Dying Plant Life – Plant life closest to the gas leak will often die off. Plants wilt and die for a variety of reasons, but if you spot a once-healthy plant or flower which is now sick and dying, and it just seems too sudden, then it’s possible a gas leak has caused the disruption.
  • Fire – While certainly not a common sign, fire spouting up from the ground is a sure sign that a gas leak has occurred, and something has caused the leak to combust.

Now, you may not notice many of these signs, or any indicator at all. Gas leak situations can vary. Still, watch for these most common symptoms, including the smell and sound.

The moment you notice a gas leak, contact bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of Amarillo. We are highly-trained and certified to handle gas leaks in the area. Give us a call at 806-243-1849!

Henry Wall is the owner of the Amarillo branch of bluefrog Plumbing + Drain. Reach out to him via Facebook or Twitter.

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